Captain Webb Primary School's Parent Forum
At Captain Webb we appreciate and value open communication between our school and parents.
The goal of our Parent Forum is to ensure that the views of all parents are heard. The aim is that parents can talk freely with their elected Forum representative and they will act as a voice to inform the school of the needs of our children and families. We feel that it is a perfect way to share ideas, views and concerns and to make suggestions for improvements.
Our Parent Forum has four broad aims which are;
To work together to improve the learning and welfare provided for our children.
To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents and carers.
To share information, knowledge and skills.
To further improve communications between Parent/Carers and Staff/Governors.
One parent will be elected for each class, through a democratic vote. The vote will take place every September when each class will ask their pupils parents/carers if there are any volunteers for the role. Where more than one volunteer puts themselves forward an anonymised vote will be held.
The Forum will report to the Governing body annually on its activities on behalf of all parents.
They will meet once every half term with Mrs Passey (Head) and Mr Harris (Parent Partnership Lead) to discuss any issues, ideas or opinions that have been raised.
Minutes and dates for each meeting will be posted on the website (below) and on Classdojo.
The school has recently been re-awarded The Leading Parent Partnership Award for the work that we do in ensuring our parents needs are met, and views/opinions are not only requested, but taken into account in our everyday school life.

Your Class Representatives
Y4 - Miss Davies

Y4 - Mr White

Y1 - Mr Davies

Debbie Barber
YN - Miss Hallybone

Y1 - Mr Harris

Louise Kitson
Y5 - Mrs Weston

YN - Mrs Brannon