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  • Captain Webb Primary School and Nursery | Dawley | Telford

    Willkommen zu Captain Webb Grundschule Im Namen aller Kinder, Mitarbeiter und Betreuer begrüße ich Sie ganz herzlich auf unserer Website. Es ist ein großes Privileg für mich, Schulleiter der Captain Webb Primary and Nursery School zu sein, einer Schule, auf die ich sehr stolz bin. Bei Captain Webb bieten wir unseren Schülern eine freundliche, unterstützende und sichere Lernumgebung. Wir fördern die Freude am Lernen und stellen sicher, dass jeder Einzelne sein volles Potenzial ausschöpft. Wir bemühen uns, allen unseren Kindern zu ermöglichen, ihr Potenzial auszuschöpfen, indem wir ihnen einen breiten und ausgewogenen Lehrplan anbieten, der nach Möglichkeit auf Erfahrungen aus dem wirklichen Leben basiert; die Fantasie und Lernfreude wecken. Wir sehen alle Kinder als Individuen und unsere Mitarbeiter sind bestrebt, ihre Stärken zu finden und zu entwickeln, um Talente zu fördern und zu fördern, da wir an den Erfolg für alle glauben, sei es im Sport, in der Kunst oder im akademischen Bereich. Wir betrachten Bildung als ein gemeinsames Unternehmen, an dem alle beteiligt sind: Kinder, Eltern, Mitarbeiter, Gouverneure und die breitere Gemeinschaft. Wir hoffen, dass wir bei dieser Partnerschaft auf Ihre Mitarbeit und Unterstützung zählen können; wissen, dass wir gemeinsam für jedes Kind das Beste geben können. Unsere Schule ist eine Lerngemeinschaft, in der jeder Einzelne hart arbeitet, um sein Bestes zu geben. Wir fördern das lebenslange Lernen positiv und streben kontinuierlich nach Exzellenz. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Betrachten unserer Website. Es gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in das Schulleben und das Angebot an Aktivitäten und Möglichkeiten sowie viele nützliche Informationen für Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns kennenlernen, sich umschauen, den Kindern bei der Arbeit über die Schulter schauen und entdecken, wie Ihr Kind hier gedeihen könnte. Bitte wenden Sie sich an das Schulsekretariat – ich freue mich, Sie jederzeit begrüßen zu dürfen. Frau S. Passey Rektor Folge uns auf Facebook Bleiben Sie auf der Facebook-Seite der Captain Webb Primary School über alle unsere Neuigkeiten auf dem Laufenden. Weiterlesen

  • Newsletters | captainwebb

    Newsletters At Captain Webb Primary School we run a weekly newsletter which is called 'Captains Catch Up '. We use the newsletter to inform you about events we are running, let you know dates for diaries, and showcase some of the work being done by our children. The newsletter is created by Mrs Hanafin (Admin) so if your child has won any awards, or taken part in anything exciting outside of school, please let her know so she can share the good news with our other parents. Below are the newsletters from the past few months - if you have missed a previous edition and would like a copy then please contact Mrs Hanafin and she will be happy to help you ( ). Captain's Catch UP - 10th Jan 2025 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 20th Dec 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 13th Dec 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 29th Nov 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 22nd Nov 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 15th Nov 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 8th Nov 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 25th October 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 18th October 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 11th October 2024 Read More Captain's Catch - 4th October 2024 Read More Captain's Catch Up - 27th September 2024 Read More

  • Parent View | captainwebb

    Elternansicht Ofsted Parent View gives you, as parents, the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including: how happy your child is at the school how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), we will ask how well the school supports them. The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Ofsted will use your responses to help plan inspections. The information you provide can: inform discussions inspectors have with school leaders during an inspection help Ofsted decide when to inspect a school In addition to this, they also publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View. This information is anonymised. If your child attends a maintained nursery, please read more about how to respond to the questionnaire here . Click ‘Give your views now’ to register and complete a survey to help your child’s school improve. Parental questionnaire Autumn 2023 - Responses Every term we hold a Parents Consultation Session. Parents can look through their child's work, and raise any questions they may have about their child's progress, in a 1:1 meeting with the class teacher. During this session we ask parents to complete a questionnaire on how they feel the school is performing on behalf of their child. The questions are the same as those on the Ofsted Parent View website, so we can combine and analyse both sets of results to see how parents perceive our service. Below are the results from the Autumn 23 questionnaire: Comments Below is a selection of some of the comments made by our parents. “My child will be sad to leave at the end of the year” “Great school - thanks” “Every teacher my child has had throughout the years has been excellent. I can’t thank them, and the school enough for all their hard work…they a credit to the education sector” “Teachers make school great for the children” “The school are brilliant at making sure children’s mental health is well maintained” “My child really loves school and enjoys coming everyday” “I’m very happy how my child is growing in confidence and with her friendship group” “Great school. My kids love it. Thank you” “This school takes an holistic approach to my child’s wellbeing, supporting us as parents to ensure she is happy and thriving at school and home” “We had a couple of issues with other children, but the issues were dealt with straight away. We are happy” “Perfect for my children” “Miss Saville is amazing, and I can’t thank her enough” “Couldn’t wish for a better school...the staff work hard to ensure my girls are happy and progressing well” “This school have been amazing with all my children…I highly recommend this school to fellow parents” “I highly recommend this school they are very supportive with everything and anything” “Since my son has been attending Captain Webb, I’ve noticed a massive change in his attitude towards school. His last school was a challenge for me every day but now he is fine – I can’t thank you enough” “My child enjoys school” “my child struggles to come out of his shell and the teachers have done an amazing job to ensure he is comfortable” You Said.....We Did... Obviously some parents have queries/concerns that they raise. Below are the actions we are taking in response to these. My children have lost all their jumpers We have created a centralised lost property which can be accessed by parents, by requesting access at the school office. All unclaimed lost property will be disposed of every half term. or used as additional uniform for children. If clothing is clearly labelled we do try and return it to its owner. We need more reminders about events We work really hard at communication. We use ClassDojo, Facebook and the school website to communicate with parents. We will endeavour to post more reminders on Classdojo in the week leading up to events, in the form of a post called 'The Week Ahead'' My child was unable to participate in P.E. due to the weather....I understand the hall was double booked. This will have happened due to events taking place in the school hall - such as workshops and productions. If the weather is favourable we do take the children outside. Unfortunately if the weather is wet some children don't have the appropriate clothing and surfaces become slippy. We always aim for children to have at least 2 hours of physical activity a week during lesson times, this can include forest school, and activities in the classroom. My child needs more support - SALT SENCO has contacted parent and this has been resolved. I do feel naughty children are favoured....some pupils are disruptive. This is becoming more common in schools since COVID. We have a small percentage of our children, with multiple additional needs, which can result in them struggling to engage with their lessons. We are working very hard on supporting not only these children, but all children in school to attain the most from their education. Behaviour is part of our School Development Plan this year, which has resulted in: A member of SLT being appointed as Behaviour Lead A new Behaviour Policy has been created and shared on our Policies and Procedures page. Additional training has been received by all staff. Additional outside agencies have been commissioned to support children. Internal staff have been trained in further interventions such as ELSA and Drawing and Talking Therapy.

  • Spoken Word | captainwebb

    Spoken Language Reading and writing float on a sea of talk. James Britton What is Spoken Language? The national curriculum for English reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar and their understanding for reading and writing. Curriculum Intent At Captain Webb Primary School, we value Spoken Language as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Spoken Language provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. Our aim is to enable the children improve their levels of spoken language so that all pupils are able to communicate effectively and confidently in front of any type of audience. These skills are encouraged in every area of our curriculum as good communication skills can enhance every type of learning. The children are encouraged to explore ideas through talk; challenge each other’s opinions and develop their own reasoned arguments, as well as talking in full sentences with a clear and confident voice. Pupils should be taught to: listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions give well-structured descriptions and explanations maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English participate in discussions, presentations, performances and debates gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s) consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others select and use appropriate registers for effective communication. Spoken language: speaking, listening & responding Implementation The teaching and implementation of the Spoken Language curriculum is based on the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum; it is supported by expectations from the Voice 21 framework, ensuring a well-structured approach. These skills are at the core of our curriculum and pupils are encouraged to listen and learn from sharing ideas with others. Staff at Captain Webb model the use of higher level vocabulary within their speech and expanding children’s vocabulary is a key focus in all years. Subject specific vocabulary is embedded across the curriculum, through teacher modelling, in context. Contextual learning helps children to understand new words and supports them in including new vocabulary in their work. This model is reflected in both shared and guided reading sessions, where children are given the chance to explore unfamiliar vocabulary and expand their knowledge of words. Talk partners are used extensively throughout the school, together with a range of planned learning opportunities that encourage pupils to explore language e.g. role play, drama activities, group discussion, hot seating. In KS2, pupils also take part in class debates. Drama is used across a range of subjects including History, problem solving in Mathematics, hot-seating during English lessons and Religious Education,. to explore and engage children in their learning. This gives children the chance to embed the use of specific vocabulary repetitively. At Christmas, EYFS and KS1 children perform their Christmas production to the school while LKS2 produce and lead a production of drama, jokes and songs at Easter. At the end of the academic year, the Year 6 children perform a tailored production to parents and carers. All pupils also perform to their parents once a year in their year group assembly. Daily poetry and rhyme and singing sessions are prioritised in EYFS and KS1. All year groups have a core set of poems that the pupils learn off by heart and perform in assemblies. Our pupils need lots of opportunities to speak and listen. This is especially true of pupils with special educational needs (SEND) and/or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL). Within every day teaching, we use a range of resources to support communication e.g. visuals made with Communication in Print, word banks, sentence stems, speaking frames. Some pupils take part in small group activities (Talk Boost) and some pupils receive additional support e.g. speech and language assistant or therapist. Impact Constructive formative feedback is provided to pupils regarding their spoken language and listening skills, not only to improve their knowledge and skills but also to establish secure foundations for effective spoken language at primary school right through to secondary education and beyond. Pupils at Captain Webb Primary School have a wide vocabulary and are confident speakers. They enjoy talking amongst peers and to adults in school and demonstrate excellent listening skills. Poetry Day - October 2024 Below are some video clips of our children reading out poems they wrote/covered on Poetry Day, working alongside the poet James Carver.

  • Parent Forum | captainwebb

    Parent's Forum At Captain Webb we appreciate and value open communication between our school and parents. The goal of our Parent Forum is to ensure that the views of all parents are heard. The aim is that parents can talk freely with their elected Forum representative and they will act as a voice to inform the school of the needs of our children and families. We feel that it is a perfect way to share ideas, views and concerns and to make suggestions for improvements. Our Parent Forum has four broad aims which are; · To work together to improve the learning and welfare provided for our children. · To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents and carers. · To share information, knowledge and skills. · To further improve communications between Parent/Carers and Staff/Governors. One parent will be elected for each class, through a democratic vote. The vote will take place every September when each class will ask their pupils parents/carers if there are any volunteers for the role. Where more than one volunteer puts themselves forward an anonymised vote will be held. The Forum will report to the Governing body annually on its activities on behalf of all parents. They will meet once every half term with Mrs Passey (Head) and Mr Harris (Parent Partnership Lead) to discuss any issues, ideas or opinions that have been raised. Minutes and dates for each meeting will be posted on the website (below) and on Classdojo. Your Forum Representatives are: Parent's Forum are also instrumental in helping the school raise money to support with projects and resources. In 2024 they helped organise the Summer Fayre which raised £1,231. This has been used to purchase playground games and resources to enhance break and dinner times for the children, as well as purchasing new books for the school library. We currently have some vacancies for the Parents Forum so if you would like to volunteer please contact Lynn in the school office or email ( and your details will be passed on. Forum Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes - The school has recently been re-awarded The Leading Parent Partnership Award for the work that we do in ensuring our parents needs are met, and views/opinions are not only requested, but taken into account in our everyday school life.

  • Remote Education | captainwebb

    Remote Education Attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including for their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. There are, however, certain circumstances when it is not possible for a child to attend and it is in these circumstance where an offer of Remote Education can be made. Remote education should not be viewed as an equal alternative to attendance in school. For this reason schools may only consider it as a last resort when the alternative would be no education, and only after it has been established that the pupil is, or will be, absent from school. In such cases, remote education can have the benefit of allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers. The priority is always ATTENDANCE. Scenarios where remote attendance should be considered. Where schools have to close, or there are restrictions on attendance for pupils (i.e. during COVID) Providing remote education does not change the imperative to remain open or to reopen as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to ensure pupils can be taught in person by attending school or if appropriate and possible, attending a safe alternative site. After exploring all options to ensure the school remains open to all pupils, there may still be some exceptional occasions when school leaders or the local authority decide that it is not possible to open safely, or where opening would contradict guidance from local or central government. If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, we will consider providing remote education to help pupils stay on track with the education they would normally receive. In individual cases where a child is unable to attend school but is able to learn. There should only be limited circumstances where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able and well enough to continue their education remotely. These circumstances should only involve a short-term absence and might include: pupils recovering from short-term infectious illnesses, pupils preparing for or recovering from some operations, or pupils recovering from injuries where attendance might inhibit recovery. In some exceptional cases, these circumstances might also include pupils whose attendance has been affected by a special educational need or disability (SEND) or a mental health issue. In these circumstances, and after the pupil’s absence from school has been established, we will consider providing pupils with remote education on a case-by-case basis. This will be part of a plan to reintegrate back to school, and only when it is judged that providing remote education would not adversely affect the pupil’s return to school. Provision of remote education is a short-term solution allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers. Pupils with long-term medical conditions or any other physical or mental health needs affecting attendance may require additional support to continue their education. At Captain Webb Primary School we refer our parents to the Oak National Academy website, as this provides high quality lessons that are meaningful, ambitious, and cover an appropriate range of subjects to enable pupils to keep on track with their education. We will work with the parent/s so they understand which elements of learning their child will need. We will provide additional support in cases of SEND, and work collaboratively with families to support the children/parents accessing the learning successfully. We will help to overcome barriers to digital access by loaning school owned devices, accompanied by a user agreement, if and where necessary and/or possible. The senior leader with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education is Mrs Sarah Passey (Headteacher).

  • Wrap Around Care & Clubs | captainwebb

    WRAP AROUND CARE Derzeit keine After-School-Clubs The school runs a Breakfast Club every morning during term time. The cost is £2.50 per session. Although we do not currently request you book for Breakfast Club we do ask that you inform the school in advance, if you intend to start sending your child, so we can ensure the correct staffing ratios are in place. At Breakfast Club children are offered a breakfast of cereal, toast or crumpets, and have fruit juice, milk or water as drink options. The school does not charge for the breakfast, it is an added option for those children that have not eaten before attending, or who are still hungry. At Breakfast Club the children can play games, use the IT suite, read or do their homework. Breakfast Club starts at 7:30am and runs through to the start of school. The children are escorted from the club directly to their class. Your child can be dropped off anytime from 7:30 to class start time. After School Club The school runs an After School Club every day during term time, between the end of school and 6pm. Your child will be escorted straight to After School Club once the school day has ended. The cost per session is: £4.00 up to 4.15pm £5.50 up to 5pm £8.00 up to 6pm After School Club places must be booked in advance by completing the form below, and returning to Miss Mansell in the school office (or by email to ). Once she receives your application she will be able to advise you of availability of requested places. It is essential that After School Club places are pre-booked to ensure appropriate staff ratios are in place. Unlike Breakfast Club there are no other staff available to cover if additional numbers are needed. We do not provide a meal at After School Club, but are happy if you wish to send in a snack for your child. At After School Club the children can play games, use the IT suite, read or do their homework. In addition they also do occasional activities such as baking, watch videos and have dance sessions. In the summer they also play games outside, weather permitting. After School Club Booking Form TERMLY ACTIVITY CLUBS Each half term the school runs various activities after school. Most of our clubs are run by Crossbar (a third party company who are specialist in sports education, who work alongside our school). There is a charge of £2 per session for these clubs. Afterschool clubs run by the teachers are free of charge. To ensure clubs are accessible to all children, clubs will be advertised on Classdojo and Facebook with information on when they will be available to book on to. A date and an approximate time will be given. Clubs will be available to book through Scopay (our online payment system) simply by consenting and making payment, however please make sure you book early as the clubs are very popular, and will be on a first come first served basis. A list of our current clubs is below:

  • Memorable Experiences | captainwebb

    Unvergessliche Erfahrungen Kindern bedeutungsvolle „Erinnerungswürdige Erfahrungen“ zu bieten, ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Lernens an der Captain Webb Primary School. Zu Beginn jedes Halbjahresthemas geht jede Jahrgangsgruppe entweder zu Besuch oder hat einen Thementag unter der Leitung eines Experten auf diesem Gebiet. Auf diese Weise können Kinder wichtige Elemente für jeden Themenbereich des Lernens aus erster Hand erfahren; Schlüsselwortschatz hören und verwenden; kontextualisieren ihr Schreiben und ihre Mathematik und entwickeln ein solides Verständnis der relevanten historischen, geografischen oder wissenschaftlichen Konzepte. Wir bieten unseren Kindern auch viele Möglichkeiten zum Lernen im Freien durch Tages- und Wohnbesuche im Arthog Outreach Centre in Wales und eine Wohnreise nach Frankreich in der sechsten Klasse! Unser Ziel ist es sicherzustellen, dass Kinder (durch den Besuch lokaler und regionaler Museen und Stätten von historischem und geografischem Interesse) unsere Schule am Ende der Schlüsselphase 2 mit kulturellem Kapital und einer tiefen Wertschätzung ihrer Herkunft verlassen. Ein Kind, das seine Grundschulzeit an der Captain Webb Primary School verbringt, hat zwei von Lehrern geleitete Thementage in der Schule erlebt; hatte vier Ausflüge in die örtliche Gemeinschaft; besuchte fünf Orte von lokalem Interesse; von vierzehn Experten auf ihrem Gebiet gelernt; besuchte acht geografische und historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und erlebte Artefakte und Ausstellungen aus neun verschiedenen Museen! Die Rezeption erlebte im Rahmen des Themas „Was passiert, wenn wir einschlafen?“ eine Reihe exotischer Tiere. Die 2. Klasse besucht die Park Hall Farm zu Beginn ihres Themas 'Muck, mess and Mixtures' Klasse 4 baute am 'Indianer-Tag' ein Tipi zum Thema 'Road Trip USA' und besuchte das Langley Science Department während ihres Themas 'Tränke'. Die 5. Klasse erlebte während eines Workshops zu ihrem Thema 'Ab mit dem Kopf!' Tudors zu sein. Die 6. Klasse besuchte das Birmingham Sea Life Centre im Rahmen ihres Themas „Frozen Kingdom“. Hier ist, was unser Schülerrat über die unvergesslichen Erfahrungen der Captain Webb Primary School zu sagen hat: Was ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis? „Wenn wir fachkundige Besucher haben oder wenn wir auf Reisen gehen, an die wir uns erinnern werden“ Warum machen wir unvergessliche Erlebnisse? Eine gute Zeit zu haben und sich für immer an diese Erlebnisse zu erinnern – auch wenn wir älter sind Um beim Lernen zu helfen – um die Dinge im wirklichen Leben zu sehen Um uns beim Schreiben zu helfen – damit wir wissen, worüber wir schreiben. Es macht es für uns wahr. Sie können sich die Dinge klarer vorstellen, wenn Sie sie kennenlernen. Um uns auch bei allen anderen Themen zu helfen. Sie setzen Vokabeln in reale Lebenssituationen um. Manchmal verwenden wir es, um kontextbezogene Arbeit in Mathematik zu leisten – letztes Jahr waren wir im Chester Zoo und durften den neuen Park entwerfen, als wir etwas über die Gegend lernten. Wir können uns gut amüsieren und uns an die schöne Zeit an unserer Schule erinnern. Wenn ein Experte kommt, kann er uns helfen. Sie helfen uns beim Lernen. Wenn Sie in ein Museum gehen, können Sie keine Fragen zu Objekten stellen… aber Sie können einen fachkundigen Besucher fragen! Helfen unvergessliche Erfahrungen beim Lernen? Ja... besonders in Schreiben, Mathematik, Themen, Naturwissenschaften, Lesen, Geschichte, Geographie und RE (wenn wir in die Kirche gehen) „Wenn wir keine unvergesslichen Erfahrungen mehr machen würden, würden wir die Dinge im wirklichen Leben nicht mehr sehen und es würde unser Lernen beeinträchtigen. Die Schule wäre bei weitem nicht so gut.“ Was war Ihrer Meinung nach bisher Ihr bestes unvergessliches Erlebnis? West Midlands Safari Park, weil wir an den Fahrgeschäften teilnehmen durften, was uns bei unserem erzählerischen Schreiben half, das in einem Themenpark spielt. Western Park, weil wir Spielzeug herstellen durften und etwas über Spielzeug lernten. Park Hall Farm, weil ich all die Tiere gesehen habe, über die wir gelernt haben. Die Golden Ticket Show, weil wir einen Clown gesehen haben. Zu sehen, wie ein Wissenschaftler ein Herz seziert, weil es uns zeigte, wie alle Herzkammern aussahen. Pizza Express, weil wir tatsächlich eine Pizza machen mussten! Wir gingen zu einem Bauernhof und es war großartig, weil wir ein Schweinerennen sehen durften. Unvergesslich! Wir machten ein echtes Tipi, als wir etwas über die amerikanischen Ureinwohner lernten, weil wir erlebten, wie sie wirklich lebten. Stone Age Center, weil wir echte Holzkohle verwenden konnten, um Kunstwerke zu machen, genau wie die Steinzeitmenschen.

  • School Development Plan | captainwebb

    Schulentwicklungsplan Dies sind die Bereiche, an denen die Schule im Schuljahr 2019/20 arbeitet, um sicherzustellen, dass wir Ihren Kindern weiterhin die bestmögliche Bildung bieten. In diesem Jahr sind die Hauptentwicklungsbereiche Lehrplaninnovation, Handschrift, Phonik und Lesen sowie Ergebnisse für Kinder mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf.

  • PSHE | captainwebb

    PSHE Curriculum Statement Intention At Captain Webb our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Our PSHE curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which will enable children to access the wider curriculum. It also, prepares them to be global citizens now and in their future roles within a global community. It promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life. Our Relationships and Sex Education enables our children to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives. Implementation EYFS - In the Foundation Stage, PSHE and citizenship is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are the Personal, Social and Emotional Development statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals. Reception also uses the Jigsaw Scheme of Work materials. (See below) Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 - At Key Stage 1 and 2, pupils are taught PSHE using ‘Jigsaw’ which is a spiral, progressive scheme of work, covering all of the above and aims to prepare children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy (having self-awareness and recognition of your own feelings and knowing how to manage them), building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. We teach about different kinds of relationships, including same sex relationships, and gender identity because it is important that our children should have an understanding of the full diversity of the world they live in and be prepared for life in modern Britain. The Sex Education aspects of PSHE are also taught through the ‘Jigsaw’. Alongside this in KS2 children have access the Expect Respect materials, which focus on healthy relationships and also deals with sensitive issues such as domestic abuse. PSHE also identifies links to British Values such as the rule of law and democracy. SMSC taught throughout the Jigsaw scheme of work and ensures that the development of children’s values plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. To develop our pupil’s cultural capital at Captain Webb, we have visits from the local emergency services, Fire brigade, Lifeguards, Police and the RAF. We also give the children the opportunity to have visitors from Crucial Crew, Star, NSPCC to learn about ‘PANTS’ and ‘Helping hands. The children also get to experience other cultures by visiting places of worships to see how we are all different. All of these helps our children to experience the essential knowledge that they need to prepare them for their future success. PSHE is taught, every Monday morning throughout the whole school, through Jigsaw’s six half termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time. The knowledge and skills of each unit progresses through each year. Autumn 1: Being Me in My World Autumn 2: Differences (including anti-bullying) Spring 1: Dreams and Goals Spring 2: Healthy Me Summer 1: Relationships Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education) Impact The impact of following this programme will be that the standards of attainment across the school will meet or exceed those which are expected of our children nationally. We continuously assess the implementation and impact of our PSHE curriculum in order to achieve the highest outcomes possible across all year groups and ensure we provide the support that is necessary for all children to achieve. Through our PSHE curriculum, we believe we can enhance children’s education and help them to become caring, respectful, responsible, and confident individuals and citizens. By the time our children leave our school they will: be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society appreciate difference and diversity be able to understand and manage their emotions be able to look after their mental health and well-being be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future. understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level have respect for themselves and others. have a positive self esteem PSHE Policy 2024-2025 PSHE Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans 2024.25

  • Equality | captainwebb

    Gleichstellungsziele An der Captain Webb Primary School setzen wir uns dafür ein, Chancengleichheit für alle Schüler, Mitarbeiter, Eltern und Betreuer unabhängig von Rasse, Geschlecht, Behinderung, Weltanschauung, sexueller Orientierung, Alter oder sozioökonomischem Hintergrund zu gewährleisten. Unser Ziel ist es, eine Kultur der Inklusion und Vielfalt zu entwickeln, in der alle mit der Schule verbundenen Personen stolz auf ihre Identität und ihre Fähigkeit zur vollen Teilhabe am Schulleben sind. Wir bekämpfen Diskriminierung durch die positive Förderung der Gleichstellung, indem wir Mobbing und Stereotypen bekämpfen und ein Umfeld schaffen, in dem alle respektiert werden. Wir an der Captain Webb Primary School glauben, dass Vielfalt eine Stärke ist, die von allen respektiert und gefeiert werden sollte, die uns lernen, unterrichten und uns besuchen. Gleichberechtigung in Lehren und Lernen: Wir bieten allen unseren Schülern die Möglichkeit, erfolgreich zu sein und die höchsten persönlichen Leistungen zu erreichen. Wir tun dies durch: Gewährleistung eines gleichberechtigten Zugangs für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler und Vorbereitung auf das Leben in einer vielfältigen Gesellschaft. Förderung von Einstellungen und Werten, die diskriminierendes Verhalten oder Vorurteile in Frage stellen Den Schülern Möglichkeiten bieten, ihre eigene Kultur zu schätzen und die Vielfalt anderer Kulturen zu feiern Ich möchte alle Eltern einbeziehen, um die Bildung ihres Kindes zu unterstützen Anwendung von Unterrichtsansätzen, die für die gesamte Schulbevölkerung geeignet sind und die unsere Schüler/innen inklusiv und reflektierend sind. Gleichberechtigung bei Zulassung und Ausschluss Unsere Aufnahmeregelungen sind fair und transparent und diskriminieren nicht aufgrund von Rasse, Geschlecht, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung und/oder sozioökonomischem Hintergrund. Chancengleichheit für Mitarbeiter Alle Ernennungen und Beförderungen von Mitarbeitern erfolgen auf der Grundlage von Verdiensten und Fähigkeiten und in Übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz. Die Schule verfügt über eine separate Gleichstellungsrichtlinie, die von leitenden Führungskräften überprüft wird. Bitte lesen Sie dies für weitere Details, wenn Sie es wünschen. Staff Equality, Equity and Diversity Policy Oct 24 Pupil Equality, Equity and Diversity Policy Oct 24

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